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  • 9788178090122

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  • 1999

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    Written by a motivational speaker, the guru of management shows you how to achieve the most from life and reach the top. Paperback , 326 pages Published by Magna Publishing Co Ltd (first published June 1st 1994)

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    Zig Ziglar

    Zig Ziglar is a motivational teacher and trainer who has traveled the world over, delivering his messages of humor, hope, and encouragement. As a talented author and speaker, he has international appeal that transcends every color, culture, and career. Recognized by his peers as the quintessential motivational genius of our times, Zig Ziglar has a unique delivery style and powerful messages that have earned him many honors. Today he is considered one of the most versatile authorities on the science of human potential. Ten of his twenty-eight books have been on bestseller lists, and his titles have been translated into more than thirty-eight languages and dialects. He is a committed family man, a dedicated patriot, and an active church member. Zig lives in Plano, Texas, with his wife, Jean.

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