Life is an amazing mixture of victory and defeat, success and failure, joy and pain, peace and battles, happiness and brokeness. But life in Jesus assures the ultimate victory over everything. Drops from a Leaking Tap narrates and assesses how, in spite of a mixture of the ups and downs, lives that are committed to Jesus can move forward in his purpose.
Our choice to walk withh the Lord and to serve him will bring us good as well as unpleasant experiences.
God answers prayers, but not all prayers will be answered the way we want them.
Victory is our privilege, but not all seeming defeats can be erased from our history.
Obstacles are sure to come in our lives, yet his all sufficiency will help us overcome them all.
"We must press forward with our eyes on the Savior, Lord Jesus.
Life is an amazing mixture of victory and defeat, success and failure, joy and pain, peace and battles, happiness and brokeness. But life in Jesus assures the ultimate victory over everything. Drops from a Leaking Tap narrates and assesses how, in spite of a mixture of the ups and downs, lives that are committed to Jesus can move forward in his purpose.Our choice to walk withh the Lord and to serve him will bring us good as well as unpleasant experiences.God answers prayers, but not all prayers will be answered the way we want them.Victory is our privilege, but not... Read More