
I Will Not Ever Never Eat A Tomato: 1 Paperback(KATE GREENWAY MEDAL)

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I Will Not Ever Never Eat A Tomato: 1 Paperback(KATE GREENWAY MEDAL)

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  • 32

  • 9781841216027

  • 250 mm

  • 275 mm

  • 210 gram


  • 2001

    Publish Date
  • 4 mm

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    Charlie\'s little sister Lola doies not eat a lot of things - and she absolutely will not never ever eat a tomato - until one day Charlie plays a good trick on her.

    About the Author

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    Lauren Child

    Lauren Child grew up in Wiltshire as the middle child of three sisters and the daughter of two teachers. She has always been interested in the many aspects of childhood, from gazing into toy shop windows to watching American childrens shows from the 1960s. After attending two Art Schools, where Lauren admits that she did not learn much, she travelled for six months, still unsure about which career to embark upon.

    Before Lauren starting writing and illustrating childrens books she started her own company Chandeliers for the People making exotic, elegant lampshades. It was only when she came to write and illustrate the book Clarice Bean, Thats Me that she decided to devote her time to writing and illustrating books for children, which combines her fascination for childhood and her talent for designing and creating. Lauren gets her inspiration from other peoples conversations or from seeing something funny happen.

    Lauren lives in North London.

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