Anthony Horowitz, creator of the bestselling Alex Rider series has written a wickedly funny story, with hilarious illustrations by Tony Ross. Twelve-year-old Joe has an unbelievably evil Granny. Not only is Granny physically repulsive and horribly mean, but she also has the look in her eye of a predatory crocodile. Soon Joe starts to suspect that she has unpleasant designs on him. But what are they and how can he foil them?
Anthony Horowitz, creator of the bestselling Alex Rider series has written a wickedly funny story, with hilarious illustrations by Tony Ross. Twelve-year-old Joe has an unbelievably evil Granny. Not only is Granny physically repulsive and horribly mean, but she also has the look in her eye of a predatory crocodile. Soon Joe starts to suspect that she has unpleasant designs on him. But what are they and how can he foil them?