
In High Places

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In High Places

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  • 9780552136952

  • 110 mm

  • 176 mm

  • 270 gram

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    As events bubbles to a scalding boil, leaders of two great nations fought in desperate secrecy to keep the lid on the world. Bartering, backstabbing, browbeating, bribing...and praying for a little more weight to throw on the delicate balance of international power. This is a novel of men at the summit, their bold deals and soiled souls -- and their women, clutching at fevered moments as the time for loving, the time for living, slipped so quickly away.

    About the Author

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    Arthur Hailey

    Arthur Hailey was a British/Canadian novelist. After working at a number of jobs and writing part-time, he became a writer full-time during 1956, encouraged by the success of the CBC television drama, Flight into Danger (in print as ). Following the success of Hotel in 1965, he moved to California; followed by a permanent move to the Bahamas in 1969.
    Each of his novels has a different industrial or commercial setting and includes, in addition to dramatic human conflict, carefully researched information about the way that particular environment and system functions and how these affect society and its inhabitants.
    Critics often dismissed Haileys success as the result of a formulaic potboiler style, in which he caused an ordinary character to become involved in a crisis, then increased the suspense by switching among multiple related plot lines.
    Hailey would spend approximately one year researching a subject, followed by six months reviewing his notes and, finally, about 18 months writing the book.

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