
One Hundred Lamps for the Soul

One Hundred Lamps for the Soul
One Hundred Lamps for the Soul

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  • 18 MARCH 2004

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    Books of spiritual writings continue to be popular. But here, in one volume, are 100 of the greatest and most life-changing spiritual passages ever written, through the ages and across the faiths. Far from being predictable, this collection contains much that will be fresh and new, to discover and enjoy. Lao Tzu's Te Tao Ching, Dr Samuel Johnson, Marcus Aurelis, the parable of the Good Samaritan, Arjuna asking Krishna how to live from Gita, the death of Socrates, St Thomas a Kempsis, John Henry Newman, Brother Lawrence, Jeremy Taylor, John Donne and the Jewish Mystic, Moses Maimonides. And many, many...  Read More

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    Celia Haddon

    I have loved animals from as far back as I can remember, writes Celia Haddon. As a child, I realised that some animals suffered at the hands of ignorant humans. To right this I have published several books about cats. Cats make me laugh. We humans dont really understand them, though. If we did, they would have a happier life.

    For 20 years I wrote about companion animals (pets) for the Daily Telegraph. For 12 of these years I was a pet agony aunt and dealt with about 100,000 letters. My aim was to improve animals lives by giving good information - and, with luck, to make my readers laugh at the same time.

    I have also written several daily quotation books, now out of print, and a history of the first English Olimpick Games in 1612 - now republished in Kindle. My latest cat is Tilly and my latest cat book is Tilly: the Ugliest Cat in the Shelter. It tells the story of how I rescued Tilly from 18 months without adoption; and how she rescued me in the darkest moment of my life.

    Tilly tweets at

    My former cat George lives on digitally and advises other cats how to train humans at

    My website with useful animal behaviour information is

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