Those who dont know how to fight worry, die young. This ominous advice begins Dale Carnegies bestseller, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living , an eight-part treatise on the follies of worrying. Like other Carnegie books, this one is packed with good old-fashioned common sense, illustrated with examples drawn from research on historical figures and interviews with busi Those who dont know how to fight worry, die young. This ominous advice begins Dale Carnegies bestseller, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living , an eight-part treatise on the follies of worrying. Like other Carnegie books, this one is packed with good old-fashioned common sense, illustrated with examples drawn from research on historical figures and interviews with business leaders. Somehow, even the most simple advice--such as Carnegies four-step method of problem solving--is presented in a way that makes you want to write it down and post it on the employee bulletin board. Narrated by the resonant and engaging voice of Andrew McMillan and loaded with relevant real-life examples, this unabridged audiobook maintains interest throughout. (Running time: 10.5 hours, eight cassettes) --Sharon Griggins
Those who dont know how to fight worry, die young. This ominous advice begins Dale Carnegies bestseller, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living , an eight-part treatise on the follies of worrying. Like other Carnegie books, this one is packed with good old-fashioned common sense, illustrated with examples drawn from research on historical figures and interviews with busi Those who dont know how to fight worry, die young. This ominous advice begins Dale Carnegies bestseller, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living , an eight-part treatise on the follies of worrying. Like other Carnegie books, this one is packed... Read More