Turned away by his own son, Cessie’s long-lost grandfather finds himself in the place he fears most – a nursing home called Shangri-La. Only Cessie loves him and is determined to help him escape and unravel the truth of his past. A past that comes to him only in glimpses – a lifeboat, a tin of condensed milk, a terrifying night on the beaches of Dunkirk in World War II . . Turned away by his own son, Cessie’s long-lost grandfather finds himself in the place he fears most – a nursing home called Shangri-La. Only Cessie loves him and is determined to help him escape and unravel the truth of his past. A past that comes to him only in glimpses – a lifeboat, a tin of condensed milk, a terrifying night on the beaches of Dunkirk in World War II . . .
Turned away by his own son, Cessie’s long-lost grandfather finds himself in the place he fears most – a nursing home called Shangri-La. Only Cessie loves him and is determined to help him escape and unravel the truth of his past. A past that comes to him only in glimpses – a lifeboat, a tin of condensed milk, a terrifying night on the beaches of Dunkirk in World War II . . Turned away by his own son, Cessie’s long-lost grandfather finds himself in the place he fears most – a nursing home called Shangri-La. Only Cessie loves him and... Read More