Carol Rivers
Carol Rivers
About Author
I’ve been fortunate enough to have made my living by writing and I’ve enjoyed a long and harmonious relationship with my publisher, Simon&Schuster. But in recent Read More
I’ve been fortunate enough to have made my living by writing and I’ve enjoyed a long and harmonious relationship with my publisher, Simon&Schuster. But in recent months I can only stand in awe of the growing and robust numbers of Indie authors whom I admire so much and who have revolutionized the publishing industry. There is fire in the belly of this movement, giving a whole new aspect to the accepted norms in the publishing world. I’m mind-blown at the variety of genres born of digital technology and I’ve made many friends in the Indie world. On-line life for me has become rich and diverse with tales of Indie adventures and successes that are simply staggering. This is mouth-watering stuff and I feel privileged to be here on BookChor. If you want to know more about my East End novels, with their tough, rough, but warm-hearted Cockney characters, then perhaps you’d like to visit my website at where you’ll gain an insight into the Rivers novels and their history.Read Less
Books by Carol Rivers
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